Interview with Julie Vandehey, 04/19/2018

UW Oshkosh Campus Stories
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NS: Hi my name is Nicole Stenz. Today is April 19, 2018 and I will be interviewing Julie. Could you please state your full name for the recording?

JV: Julie VandeHey

NS: Where did you grow up?

JV: All over the Midwest I guess I was born in Indiana and lived in St. Joseph, MI for awhile and lived in Columbus, OH and then moved to Wisconsin.

NS: While you were growing up what was your dream job?

JV: Oh wow. I don't know, I guess I was always good at English so I thought I guess for a long time I thought I was going to be a teacher, an English teacher maybe.

NS: Why were you interested in English?

JV: It was always something I was good at and I enjoyed it.


NS: What were your goals as a child?

JV: I don't know. I guess I moved around a lot so I was probably looking for some stability, but you know as a kid I guess you don't have a whole lot of goals in mind.

NS: Why did you move around so much?

JV: Well my dad worked for Chrysler and in the late 70s they had that big lay off and he lost his job, so we moved to St. Joseph, MI which I really liked. We lived right near the lake, so you know as a kid we thought that was great. We played in the lake all day in the summer and got lots of snow in the Winter. As a kid I thought that was fantastic [laughs]. I'm trying to think, he lost his job there too, so we moved, he got transferred within the same company to Ohio. 00:02:00We were only there I don't know about a year and then ended up coming up here to Wisconsin.

NS: Do you think that moving around at all shaped who you are as a person today?

JV: Oh I'm sure it did. Yeah, I guess I got good at-- my husband said the other day, he's like well you're really good at making friends and meeting all these people and I guess it just kind of you know you have to kind of do that when you move to a new state and don't know anyone. You're going to have to start all over.

NS: What high school did you attend?

JV: I went to Neenah High School.

NS: Okay, what were your thoughts on college growing up?

JV: I guess it was just kind of one of those given things living in my family you know you're going to go to college, you just have to pick a major, so I always assumed I would go. That was my biggest challenge was picking a major.


NS: Did your parents emphasize education as an important part to success?

JV: Oh for sure. Yeah, they kept saying you know you might not make as much right out of college because I had some friends who had some really good internships in high school. We had a good internship program. They intern with KC and they parlayed that into some really great jobs and I kept saying oh they're making so much money and I'm in school and I have this debt and you know my mom kept saying you'll get there. Give it, you know, a few years out of college and you'll be making more than they do. It was a little discouraging at the time.

NS: Did you participate in any of those internships?

JV: Not in high school, no. I did some in college, but not in high school. I knew I was going to college and I guess I figured it wasn't really worth my time.

NS: Did any of your immediate family members attend college?


JV: Yeah, my dad went to Purdue.

NS: Why did you choose to attend UWO?

JV: At the time they were an accredited journalism program and they had a pretty good education program. I figured whichever way I went they had a good program and it was close to home, but I lived on campus because because my parents were like no, you're going to have the real college experience, so go to college.

NS: Did you apply to any other colleges or universities?

JV: I did. I applied to Eau Claire and I got accepted there, so I went out and toured the campus. It is a really nice campus, it's just kind of I don't know, it's farther away I guess and to me they both had good programs and if they're both good why go that much farther away.


NS: What do you think was the most important factor in choosing UWO?

JV: I think just the fact that they had good education and journalism programs, because that's kind of what I was looking for. I didn't know which way I'd go, but every place I applied that's kind of what I was looking at-- what their programs were like.

NS: What were the requirements when applying?

JV: Oh wow. I'm not sure, I guess they needed ACT scores and you know your transcripts from high school and what your GPA was and all that stuff from high school.

NS: Did you have to take any sort of a college entrance exam?

JV: I don't think I had to take one specifically for UWO, but I had to take you know the ACTs and SATs and all that kind of stuff.

NS: Okay. What years did you attend UWO?


JV: I'm really old. What was it, 1990--well I graduated high school in 89 so it would have been fall of 89 to 94. I graduated in January of 94.

NS: What did you know about UWO before you attended?

JV: Well, you know, I did the usual stuff. I toured the campus-- there wasn't really the internet back then, but you know you did some research and went and visited the campus. A lot of my friends were going too so we all kind of--you know okay what about this, what do you think about that and compared ideas.

NS: Did you receive any scholarships?

JV: I did not. I didn't really-- I guess at the time-- I don't know. Looking back, I should have applied for some, but I didn't really realize-- our school 00:07:00didn't do the best job of communication on all of the scholarships that were available. You know, even $500 bucks for this or that or whatever I didn't know about any of those. I didn't really, I didn't think we were eligible. I thought my parents made to much money. I'm like well, we'll see.

NS: Did you apply for financial aid at all?

JV: No.

NS: How were you able to afford college?

JV: Well luckily my parents paid for most of it. I did have you know, jobs here and there. I worked at the AT for a year, the Advance Titan. I didn't make much money there but, you know, I would-- I'm trying to think of what I did. I think I taught aerobics-- I've always worked out my whole life, so I did little stuff here and there to pay for a few things, but my parents mostly paid for my 00:08:00college which was fantastic.

NS: How did the cost of tuition at Oshkosh compare to the cost of tuition today?

JV: Honestly I'm not even sure what it is now.

NS: Well, it's about $4-$5,000 a semester right now.

JV: Okay, I think it was around $3,000 a semester which seems like it hasn't gone up that much. I thought it had gone up a lot more than that. But I think it was around $3,000 a semester, maybe-- I don't know maybe $2,500-- I don't know it's been awhile.

NS: What were your first impressions of the school?

JV: Well, you know coming from--I'm trying to remember. My high school was pretty big. I had 500 kids in my class. But still, you know, going to a college you're like well all the different buildings and I don't know I was pretty impressed by it at first.


NS: What were your first impressions of the city of Oshkosh in general?

JV: I had lived here for awhile so I guess I knew-- felt like I knew Oshkosh pretty well. I think it's an older city, but there's you know--I think the campus is in a good place and it's you know, it's safe. I don't think there is anything bad about it.

NS: Could you describe the college campus?

JV: I guess I'm not sure what you mean. I think it's a pretty decent size and I've been through there lately and it looks like there doing a lot of updates and stuff. I know the union has been updated and what else-- I used to live I think, no I didn't live in Breese, no I lived in Clemens which I think is now gone. That made me sad. But I guess there-- I don't know if they need the space 00:10:00if they're expanding so that's a good thing.

NS: Would you say that you felt pretty safe on campus?

JV: Yeah I did for the most part. You know, I'd go out with friends. We'd always try to go in groups and there was one girlfriend of mine who would always notoriously ditch everyone and go home, so you'd be stuck by yourself. I mean that was kind of before cell phones, so we really-- we tried to be smart about it, but I think we mostly felt pretty safe. I didn't like-- they had that extra parking, where was it-- I don't know if it was like behind Rocky RoCoco's kind of over in that area and you had to walk-- it was dark and there were no lights there and I hated parking there. I tried to avoid it if I could, but I think for the most part we felt pretty safe.

NS: You said you lived on campus, were you required to live on campus as an 00:11:00incoming freshman?

JV: I don't believe I was. I lived in Gruenhagen my freshman year.

NS: What was the dorm life like?

JV: Gruenhagen was kind of awful because we were I don't know because Scott was across the street and that was where you know everybody, all the cool people were, but I think we were kind of like over flow. It started on 6 and went to 10 that whole dorm wasn't even full. But then my sophomore year I moved over to Clemens and that was nice. It was a whole floor of girls and I don't know everybody just-- it was a better atmosphere over there.

NS: Where was Clemens located because I don't think that's a dorm any longer?

JV: I don't think it is either. Clemens and Breese were right next to each other kind of by the union we were like right across from the union.

NS: Okay.


JV: I don't know, I like that location and it was just better. It didn't feel like we were shoved way off on the side of campus and forgotten.

NS: Were the dorms co-ed?

JV: They were. The first floor was boys, the second floor was girls, I think third was-- I don't know was there a third floor? The first floor was guys; the second floor was girls. I think that was it. I think there was just two floors.

NS: Did you have any roommates?

JV: Oh yeah. I always had a roommate.

NS: What were your thoughts on fraternities and sororities on campus?

JV: Well, I don't know. They were-- we kind of made fun of the sorority girls because they usually seemed pretty stuck up. I mean you know once you got to know them they're just great people. I lived next to a frat house my junior 00:13:00year-- I moved off campus and it was crazy. I mean we lived right next door and they were always loud and blaring music and you know kind of the typical frat house.

NS: Did you ever consider joining a sorority?

JV: No I didn't.

NS: Where did you spend most of your time on campus?

JV: Well I guess in class-- everybody's got class and then usually studying in the library just to try and find a quiet place because in the dorms they were loud. You've got roommates and you you know not everybody's got class so people are running around screaming and yelling. The library was usually the best place to study.

NS: What are some memories you have with your college friends?

JV: Wow. I don't know where to begin. All kinds of stuff I guess we-- I guess on 00:14:00Friday nights we tried to study once I got older and moved off campus. Then on Saturday nights we'd go out, meet people, and do stuff. I don't know I'm trying to think. I played volleyball, stayed very busy.

NS: Do you still keep in touch with anyone you went to college with?

JV: I do. There's a few of my girlfriends I still talk to. A few of us are in the area-- some of them--some of us have moved out of the area. Actually my friend Kim, where did she live? She lived on the first floor with me. She married a guy from the first floor of Clemens and they moved out to Phoenix, but I still talk to her.


NS: What was the social life like on campus?

JV: Well back when--I'm trying to think--that was my freshmen year that's when we had all the riots and everything. All the crazy people set furniture on fire in the middle of the street and stuff. That was a little crazy. I guess I'm not sure what you're-- what kind of social aspect you mean.

NS: What did you do for fun during college?

JV: Well I know I played on like the whatever they call it like an intermural volleyball league. I played a lot of volleyball. I worked out I was in the fitness center all the time. I'm trying to remember-- I don't know what I did. Sometimes we just hung out. They had dances at the union--sometimes we'd go to those. You know we didn't have a lot of transportation, so we just kind of had 00:16:00to do stuff on campus. Well they had movies, they used to show movies and stuff in the union.

NS: How was the food on campus?

JV: Oh you know notoriously awful. I'm trying to think-- first year I ate in Blackhawk and I just-- I lived on like salad and ice cream because their food was so bad. That's the joke of it, you know. It's part of college life. You just eat the crummy food and go on and then you realize, gee my mom was a really good cook.

NS: Were there places off campus that you liked to go?

JV: Yeah there was always a-- I don't know is there Subway still there? Right across the street from Gruenhagen. What was there? Like a Rocky's and Subway so we ate at Subway and Rocky's a lot.

NS: What was the bar culture like?


JV: I'm trying to think. Dalmatians was open and the library there was a bar called [unclear]. I don't know if it's even still there. I don't know, you know I guess that was the thing to do was go to the bars and everybody was trying to get in even if they were underage and once you got in you're like-- ah this is okay, but I don't know I guess it's all part of college. You're suppose to be drinking and having fun and out with your friends.

NS: What type of dances did you attend on campus?

JV: They just-- I don't know when it was. I'm trying to remember what nights-- if it was a Friday night or Saturday night, they would just have like a DJ in the union and it was like a buck to get in or something, so it was cheap. We'd just go hang out in there sometimes.

NS: Did you go to homecoming at all?


JV: No we didn't do any of that. Maybe we went to like the game and the parade.

NS: How large was the student population?

JV: I really-- I don't know. A couple thousand maybe in each class.

NS: Would you say that there were more men or women when you were attending UWO?

JV: Maybe men. Maybe a few more men than women. Maybe that was just my classes too, I don't know.

NS: Were women treated differently than men at all?

JV: Not in my experience. I mean, I worked at the Advance Titan for years. I 00:19:00think I was there like 3 and a half years. So you asked me what I did in my spare time, I did a lot of working at the AT and I think we were all pretty well equal there. One year had a-- I remember we were voting for editor and it was a [unclear] they were a man and a woman. Anyway, everybody kind of wanted to write her in instead of have him. So I don't really think anybody was treated any differently.

NS: What were your duties as a student working for the Advance Titan?

JV: Well every semester you know-- I don't know if they still do this that way, but you know they would have you kind of come in and interview for a position, so I started as assistant news editor with Lisa Zill. I can't believe I remember these people's names. I worked with her I think it was only one semester. Then I was like features, I worked with Colleen doing features for awhile and then I 00:20:00was a copy editor for a couple semesters, I don't know maybe a year and a half I was a copy editor. Then I sold ad space. Once I got to be an upperclassmen and I had a car, I'd drive around and sell ads in the AT.

NS: Were you a part of any other clubs or organizations on campus?

JV: I think I did the PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) and honestly I worked a lot at the AT.

NS: Did you wish to join any other organizations on campus?

JV: I don't know. I guess I thought about some of the political ones, but I didn't want to you know get real polarizing. So I didn't really do to much else.


NS: Did you attend any sporting events on campus?

JV: Maybe some basketball games. I think the football stadium, isn't it like across town or something so it was like okay how are we suppose to get there. We didn't go to any football games, but maybe some track meets and football games and minor stuff. Baseball-- I went to some baseball games. A friend of mine-- what the heck was his name, Mike he played minor league baseball, so we were-- Oh and my friend Dave, he was from Maryland and he started up the rugby team there, no lacrosse, he started up lacrosse because they don't have lacrosse in this part of the country. So we went to a lot of the lacrosse stuff and supported him, but I think they have since disbanded because Dave is gone.

NS: Did you play any other sports besides volleyball?


JV: Not in college, no. I did track and stuff in high school, but not in college.

NS: Did you have a job while you were a student besides the Advance Titan?

JV: No not really. Between studying and working at the AT, that was about all I did.

NS: How many hours did you typically work during a normal school week?

JV: I don't know, maybe 25.

NS: How did you manage to balance the work from the Advance Titan and your school work?

JV: I guess like anybody does, you know. It's a lot, but you make it work. Go to class and study and then I was at the AT a lot of nights doing the editing or writing or whatever.

NS: Were there any major campus issues like political, cultural, educational 00:23:00during your time as a student?

JV: Yeah my freshmen year we had the riots and I don't know the idiots out there trying to, I don't know what they were trying to do, but you're not going to change the drinking age, so that was a big deal. Then I remember, who was that, wrote a story that wasn't real-- I'm trying to think. I was an editor at the time. Andy Nelson was the editor of the paper and they came in and the black student union came in and protested a story that we wrote.

NS: Since the drinking age changed to 21, how did it impact students at UWO?

JV: What do you mean since it changed to 21? That was years ago-- It was 21 for 00:24:00years. I think they were just you know stupid kids-- Oh were gonna, we wanna drink and change the age so we're gonna riot, well you know it made the national news. Oh look there's all the idiots. I don't know that it-- I mean it didn't change much on campus. The drinking age didn't change and I don't know what they were trying to prove.

NS: Could you maybe describe some of the riots that took place on campus?

JV: Well, I mean, you know people just a big group of people when they bust a house party, people would get mad and march down the street and I remember you know people, I don't know how they did it. They ripped a parking meter out and were carrying it down the street and I'm thinking okay that's just dumb. Then you know they one night they flipped a police car over and they set a couch on fire. It was always one of the fraternities that you know they've always got 00:25:00those couches on their porches and stuff and they hang out outside and they just threw it in the street and started it on fire. I don't know we got national attention for it and I just thought okay yeah another-- I don't know I'm not from Wisconsin and people up here drink heavily and I was like this just proves what kind of idiots live in the state.

NS: What was the racial make up for students? For example, were there mostly white students or were there a fair amount of colored students as well?

JV: I'd say it was mostly white people you know at that time, yeah.

NS: Do you remember hearing anything about the Oshkosh 94 or more commonly known as Black Thursday that took place at UWO in 1968?

JV: In 1968, no.

NS: Why did you decide to pursue a journalism degree?


JV: Well, I guess, like I said I was-- English was always something I was good at and enjoyed. I liked to read and do that kind of stuff and edit and I figured that would probably be a good fit. I guess the more I learned about it and I worked at the paper for years and I really enjoyed that.

NS: Did you minor in anything besides your major?

JV: History.

NS: What does a journalism degree consist of?

JV: I guess I'm not sure what you mean. What classes? I have an emphasis in advertising and public relations because I've always enjoyed the marketing side of things. So I kind of did that PR for that reason.

NS: What was your first semester of college like?


JV: You know, stressful. I guess you're adjusting to all this new stuff and you're not sure what all is going on and its kind of tough. I was just glad I had a few friends from high school there. We all kind of tried to hang out now and then my freshman year I think that helped. We kind of compared notes as what was going on. They were different majors, but we would still see each other once in a while, so that helped. It was just a lot of-- I started out liking my roommate, but we ended up [background noise] not really be on the best of terms because I don't know we just didn't get along the best.

NS: Was there a journalism program that you had to apply for?

JV: Yeah you had to have-- I don't know a 3.2 or 3.3 GPA to get into the school of journalism and you had to take all the pre-reqs which was a lot of history, 00:28:00so I ended up just taking a few more history classes.

NS: Were there a lot of journalism students?

JV: A lot compared to the rest of the school or I'm not sure what you mean.

NS: Were there like a lot of other students pursuing journalism degrees at all?

JV: I guess. Yeah you know your basic pit classes were usually pretty, pretty full I guess.

NS: Were you required to complete an internship for your degree?

JV: I was, yeah. I had to-- that was part of the AD/PR emphasis so that was my public relations class I had to do an internship for my PR class.

NS: What was your internship?

JV: I worked at a local radio station, WPKR. I don't know if they even exist 00:29:00anymore, they were in Oshkosh though.

NS: What did you do there?

JV: You know they gave me the scut work, but I--they'd have like live remotes and they'd need people to be there and help out, so I would do that kind of a meet and greet thing and represent the station and drive around the WPKR van and--So I did kind of do some public relations stuff there and whatever kind of office--some kind of data entry office stuff, you know. But just when you're an intern you kind of whatever is around they make you do.

NS: What types of classes did you take for your degree?

JV: Well, you know, the basic writing and editing class. I don't remember that professors name, but he was an older guy. He was really good and he would give 00:30:00us the Oshkosh newspaper and have us edit it because it was so bad. So a lot of writing and editing for the journalism, but then I took a lot of the advertising and more of the public relations stuff later too for the emphasis.

NS: What was your favorite college class?

JV: Probably the PR side of things. I honestly don't remember all the names of the classes.

NS: Were there any classes that you struggled with?

JV: Probably the math, you know the math stuff and the gen ed. All the algebra and trigonometry stuff I'm like really. Do I really need all of this stuff?

NS: Would you consider the classes that you took for your degree stressful?


JV: I guess maybe, maybe a little bit.

NS: What helped motivate you to continue your education after high school?

JV: I don't know I guess it was just never an option you know. My parents kept saying you need to be able to support yourself and this is the best way to do it, so you're getting a degree. It was never an option. You're going to college, what are you going to major in was more like the question.

NS: Did you have a lot of homework from your classes?

JV: Oh yeah. I kept thinking, man high school was a breeze compared to this.

NS: Do you think that you received good grades for your classes?


JV: Yeah I think I had pretty good grades.

NS: Were there any professors that you can remember that maybe stood out to you?

JV: Gary Coll. I don't know if he's still there. That was a long time ago. He was really good. He was pretty good guy, I liked him a lot. But I had a PR professor [Suess?], he was pretty good, but I think he retired like the year after I left he was an older guy. Gary Coll always made class fun. I took a law in journalism class-- journalism law and he was-- I kept thinking this is going to be so boring and he made it very interesting and fun.

NS: What type of job do you have now with the degree you earned?

JV: Well, I'm a stay at home mom. But I actually just had a--I just had a job 00:33:00offer with Thrivent. I used to work there for many years and they're looking for some free lance copy editing, so they called me up and I said yeah I'd be interested. So we'll see how that goes.

NS: What was the job market like for you when you first graduated? Would you say that there was like a lot of openings?

JV: Oh no there wasn't. I ended up going-- I worked at the local grocery store for awhile, which I did through high school and I went back there because I knew some people there and they said yeah you can you know do whatever you need. So I worked there for awhile and then I started out at the Shawano leader which is out in Shawano, there was a job offer. So I drove, what, an hour each way everyday just for experience. It was not a good job market.


NS: To date, what professional achievement are you most proud of?

JV: I guess after-- I'm trying to think. I worked at Thrivent for about 6 years and then I had a job offer at Wisconsin Public Service out in Green Bay and I ended up with a pretty good job there. I worked directly with the CEO and the CFO on their presentations and everything they did. We travelled on the corporate jet all over the place, so I think just getting, landing that position and parlaying it into something that was more for me, I kind of-- it was in the financial area which was quite boring, but I ended up saying okay, this is my expertise, so you know let's use my expertise, so I-- I kind of massaged the job around to something that I really enjoyed.


NS: Was there ever a time when you wanted to change your major?

JV: Yeah you know, I, yeah like any person you're going to question yourself all the time. Did I really pick the right thing, is this really what I want to do because my mom kept saying you know you're not going to make any money in journalism.

NS: Did you have any struggles with anything during college?

JV: You mean like academic wise or--?

NS: Yeah, academic wise.

JV: I guess some of them, you know, I guess some of the math classes weren't the best, but that's not my forte. But I think the stuff within my major was-- I guess that's probably how I knew I picked the right thing because that stuff-- even though it was probably tough, it wasn't miserable.


NS: How did your experience at UWO prepare you for life after college?

JV: I think it did pretty well, but you know there's always stuff they don't talk about like politics in the workplace and things that you get into the work place and you're like wow there's a lot going on here that is below the surface that you don't know about and we often said that-- some of my friends and I after we graduated they needed-- there needs to be a course in workplace politics in college.

NS: What are a few of your most memorable experiences at Oshkosh?

JV: Wow-- I don't-- I guess working at the newspaper I made some really good friends and I still keep in touch with a lot of those people.


NS: What accomplishments are you most proud of?

JV: At Oshkosh you mean or?

NS: Yeah at Oshkosh.

JV: I think the fact that I was able to work and do well in my studies. You know I felt a lot of my friends had jobs like at Rocky RoCoco's or whatever that weren't the best and I was able to-- I was lucky enough to do something that helped me with my future.

NS: At any point after you graduated did you want to go back and continue your education?

JV: I guess I thought about maybe, you know, going back and going into education because I wasn't having the best luck finding a job and I thought well maybe I 00:38:00did pick the wrong thing, but I never did go. I mean to go back and redo everything when you're out in the workforce is-- it's tough.

NS: Have you had much involvement with UWO since you graduated?

JV: No I really haven't. I haven't done much of anything there.

NS: What are your thoughts about UWO now?

JV: I guess I have a little bit of involvement. I'm just-- I'm in some Facebook groups, but most of the AT. It's all people I used to work with at the AT. I'm sorry what was the other question?

NS: What are your thoughts about UWO now?

JV: I guess I don't-- I don't know a whole lot about what's going on there lately. Is there journalism program still accredited? I mean, I don't even know.

NS: I'm not sure. Would you want to go back and change anything during your time 00:39:00in college?

JV: Yeah I guess, you know, where I lived my freshmen year wasn't the greatest and I honestly thought maybe college wasn't for me because I was so miserable staying there, but you know, I mean you look back and you're like okay well it's all part of life and the learning process. But, I don't know. I don't know if a different degree would of-- I'm sure it would have taken my life in a different direction.

NS: Would you say that having a college degree is important to living a successful life?

JV: I think it is, yeah. I have two kids and I'm going to pretty much insist that they go to college. I think you just need to in this day and age.

NS: Do you think that most jobs now require employees to have college degree?

JV: Yeah. I think they do. If you don't have one they're kind of like oh why not?


NS: Are you happy that you picked Oshkosh as your school of choice?

JV: Yeah I am. I guess I-- still part of me thinks I should have gone back home to Indiana, but I would have had to pay out of state tuition and all that jazz and I would have been farther from home. So, I think I made a good choice.

NS: What advice would you give current students enrolled at UWO?

JV: About studies-- or I'm not real--

NS: Just anything in general.

JV: I don't know. I guess I got together-- I don't know where I was-- I was trying to remember-- was with a group of people who were all journalism majors and we were talking and one of them said hey do any of us actually do any writing? Because we all had a degree in writing and I don't know there were 00:41:00maybe 10 or 12 of us and not one of us wrote anything for a living and I was like I guess my advice would be just get a degree and it doesn't always-- I mean odds are you're not going to end up in your field anyways because I worked in the financial industry for years at two different companies and I hate finances and math, but that's where I ended up. Just because of how it worked out. You can plan all you want and it's not always going to go the way you want.

NS: Okay is there anything else you wanted to add?

JV: I guess what is this for? I thought this was for like the journalism department?

NS: Well it's basically for an oral history class. We had to do an interview with someone who attended UW Oshkosh, so it's not [unclear-background noise] for the journalism department no.

JV: Okay. So what-- how many people are being interviewed, I mean what's--?


NS: Probably maybe 50 or so.

JV: Okay and it's for the history department? Are you a history major then?

NS: No. Oral history is a class for-- it's a quest class where we have to go out into the community and interview people that went to UW Oshkosh.

JV: Okay-- and then what are you guys hoping to learn from all this I guess [laughing]?

NS: To be honest I'm not really sure what exactly everything is for. But otherwise we should be finished. Thank you for your time.

JV: Okay well thank you. So what is your major? What are you doing at Oshkosh?

NS: I'm a nursing major.

JV: Oh okay.

NS: I'm in my second year right now and I should be applying for the nursing 00:43:00program in August.

JV: Okay. So you have nothing-- I kept thinking you were a journalism major. So you have nothing to do with journalism then.

NS: No. So, I was trying to think of questions because I didn't really know anything about journalism. Alright well thank you very much.

JV: Thank you.

NS: Alright goodbye.

JV: Bye.